Thursday, September 01, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts

Photo by SilverLining Designs
Is it just me, or did summer flash by faster than the speed of light this year?

I don't think it was just me because when I turned on the radio I heard the DJ saying the exact same thing.  When I talked to friends and family they were complaining and couldn't believe the kids were going back to school already.  Back to school!  The kids are dreading it and so am I.  Most Moms welcome it. Not me.  It represents the lazy day of summers are gone and a new/additional schedule to start.

Summer is always too short and never long enough here, but this year especially seemed even shorter. Spring took forever to get here and when it did, it was wet and cold. When the warm weather finally got here, we were already in July giving us barely 2 months of the heat. By the last week of August, we could feel the hint of fall coming our way. 

I know some people are saying but fall is so pretty... I love fall with all the beautiful colours and we get to dress in warm sweaters and boots. Yes, the colours are beautiful, but that is where it ends for me.  I don't like what back to school and the fall colours represent... the dead of winter shortly to follow.  When a simple trip to the store entails 5 minutes of dressing in boots, hat, coat, mitts.  Then cleaning the snow off and warming up the car before you can even think of driving.  Dreary days when you don't see the sun for days.  You know how it affects some people when they don't see the sun?  They get grumpy.  I am one of  those people.  When the weather is like that I just want to hibernate.  I swear I should have been born on a tropical island.

I sometimes get asked "what is your favourite season?  My immediate answer is SUMMER!  The hotter the better!

Even though it was short it was a busy, hot, fun summer and when I am in the thick of dreary, wet cold winter, I will be thinking of those days and dreaming of next year's hot one!

What's your favourite season?

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