Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Painted Ceiling.... love it or leave it

I've been thinking about ceilings lately and seeing a lot of them being painted an actual colour other than white. 

I personally love the character a painted ceiling can bring to a room.

It can be used like an accessory in a room.  It's there. It adds interest, but it is not in your face like it would be if all four walls were painted.

It allows you to go bold, where you otherwise might not.


It can be subtle where you almost don't even notice it.


You can use it outdoors.

You could even get creative.

It's a great way to introduce colour into a room or you can even wrap a room with colour so that there is no end and no beginning by painting the walls and ceiling the same colour.  This way the eye will not come to a jarring stop when you enter a room and the eye is drawn up to the white ceiling.  I like applying this to powder rooms and bathrooms.

Do you think you would paint your ceiling?  What colour would you choose? 

For the silver lining to your design dilemma, contact me.

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