Friday, December 21, 2007

Lunch Bag and the Thought Process

My sister-in-law asked me about a year ago if I could make her a lunch bag. Of course I said "sure". However, I had no idea when I was going to make it.

Her birthday was last week. Guess what?! I had the perfect gift I was going to give to her. Finally, I had motivation to make this bag that she asked for so long ago.

What colour to make the bag? She just got herself a new coat in green... green bag it is!

I basically used my Emily Tote pattern to make her bag with a few minor adjustments/additions. She gave me a container that she likes to use for her lunch so that I could make sure it would fit... and fit it did. Love that. So I got to work. What else does a lunch bag need. Well, she uses a fork sometimes, so I added an inside side pocket that fits her knife and fork as well as a napkin. Then I thought "lunch" messy sometimes leaks, so instead of using regular fabric, I used 100% nylon. Any minor spills or leaks can easily be wiped clean. Now onto handles. I put short ones on, but then thought what if her hands are full and she needs to free them up a bit. I added a longer strap so that she could easily sling it over her shoulder, if need be.

When she opened up her present last week, she was THRILLED! Thrilled that I remembered and thrilled that I finally made it. She loved the colour and the whole concept of the bag.
I also bought her a red whistle kettle that she admired the last time we went shopping. She loved that too!

1 comment:

My Happy Turtle said...

That is a fantastic lunch bag! I love the colors you used. I just thought yesterday about making something like this for myself - I have a resolution to eat better, less trips to the company cafe will be in order. I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Happy New Year!